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Англо-русский словарь по космонавтике - catch-up


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Англо-русский авиационный словарь
  1. подхватить, поднять he caught up his hat and rushed —- он схватил шапку и бросился вон 2. поднять, приподнять и подколоть, сколоть (о волосах, юбке) her hair was caught up with a long pin —- ее волосы были заколоты длинной шпилькой 3. подшивать 4. подхватить, перенять 5. догнать, нагнать to catch up and surpass —- догнать и перегнать he's working hard to catch up with the others —- он много работает, чтобы догнать остальных 6. разг. нагнать, наверстать we have caught up on sleep —- нам удалось отоспаться I have to catch up on my correspondence —- у меня куча писем, на которые нужно ответить 7. идти в ногу; не отставать they haven't caught up yet with the latest style —- они все же отстают от последней моды 8. вызвать изменения; повлиять; сказаться marriage has caught up on her —- замужество сделало ее совсем другой 9. прерывать; сбивать 10. придираться don't catch up every remark I make —- не цепляйтесь к каждому моему слову 11. быть, оказаться вовлеченным to be caught up in a circle which included many famous names —- оказаться среди известных людей to be caught up in a war —- оказаться вовлеченным в войну; оказаться на территории, где идет война 12. быть поглощенным, захваченным; погруженным to be caught up in one's thoughts and dreams —- погрузиться в свои мысли и мечты ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1. поднять, подхватить; 2. подхватить, перенять (напр., слова, идею, манеры и т.п.); 3. догнать, нагнать; идти быстрее, не отставать; 4. наверстать; 5. прерывать, сбивать (выступающего); 6. поднять (знамя и т.д.); прикрепить наверху; 7. вознести; 8. придираться; 9. схватить, захватить (в плен); 10. настичь, застигнуть, поймать, схватить, арестовать; 1 1. быстро схватить, сцапать, хапнуть ...
Англо-русский словарь идиом
  амер. приготовить лошадей (для путешественников); догонять ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
   verb  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to pick up often abruptly the thief caught the purse up and ran  b. ensnare, entangle education has been caught up in a stultifying mythology — N. M. Pusey  c. enthrall the…public was caught up in the car's magic — D. A. Jedlicka  2. to provide with the latest information catch me up on the news  intransitive verb  1.  a. to travel fast enough to overtake an advance party  b. to reach a state of parity or of being able to cope students who miss class have difficulty catching up  2. to bring about arrest for illicit activities the police caught up with the thieves  3.  a. to complete or compensate for something belatedly ~ on lost sleep  b. to acquire belated information ~ on the news ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. If you catch up with someone who is in front of you, you reach them by walking faster than they are walking. I stopped and waited for her to catch up... We caught up with the nuns. PHRASAL VERB: V P, V P with n 2. To catch up with someone means to reach the same standard, stage, or level that they have reached. Most late developers will catch up with their friends... John began the season better than me but I have fought to catch up... During the evenings, the school is used by kids who want to catch up on English and mathematics. PHRASAL VERB: V P with n, V P, V P on/in n 3. If you catch up on an activity that you have not had much time to do recently, you spend time doing it. I was catching up on a bit of reading. PHRASAL VERB: V P on/with n 4. If you catch up on friends who you have not seen for some time or on their lives, you talk to them and find out what has happened in their lives since you last talked together. The ladies spent some time catching up on each other’s health and families... She plans to return to Dublin to catch up with the relatives she has not seen since she married. PHRASAL VERB: V P on n, V P with n 5. If you are caught up in something, you are involved in it, usually unwillingly. The people themselves weren’t part of the conflict; they were just caught up in it... PHRASAL VERB: be V-ed P in n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  {v.} 1. To take or pick up suddenly; grab (something). * /She caught up the book from the table and ran out of the room./ 2. To capture or trap (someone) in a situation; concern or interest very much. - Usually used in the passive with "in". * /The Smith family was caught up in the war in Europe and we did not see them again till it was over./ * /We were so caught up in the movie we forgot what time it was./ Compare: MIX UP. 3. To go fast enough or do enough so as not to be behind; overtake; come even. - Often used with "to" or "with". * /Johnny ran hard and tried to catch up to his friends./ * /Mary missed two weeks of school; she must work hard to catch up with her class./ Compare: UP TO. 4. To find out about or get proof to punish or arrest. - Usually used with "with". * /A man told the police where the robbers were hiding, so the police finally caught up with them./ 5. To result in something bad; bring punishment. - Usually used with "with". * /The boy's fighting caught up with him and he was expelled from school./ * /Smoking will catch up with you./ Compare: CHICKENS COME HOME TO ROOST. 6. To finish; not lose or be behind. - Used with "on" and often in the phrase "get caught up on". * /Frank stayed up late to get caught up on his homework./ * /I have to catch up on my sleep./ * /We caught up on all the latest news when we got back to school and saw our friends again./ Syn.: KEEP UP. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом


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